Hingham High School Chorus
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Accompanying Yourself

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Accompanying Yourself Empty Accompanying Yourself

Post  Chris.Nevins Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:53 pm

Personally, I began playing guitar far before I even tried singing. The ability to sing while playing has been a skill that I have been trying to achieve even before I joined chorus. I truly got more into it during the summer when I was able to sing and play a song at The C Note in Hull. Singing while playing very fun and is a very fulfilling feeling, especially when you can do it successfully in front of people. However, I find it much more difficult to sing while playing guitar. It takes much more practice to match the key of my voice to the key of my guitar, whereas when just singing alone I can switch keys easier. Singing along with an instrument is something that I suggest to everyone who sings. I know it is difficult to learn an instrument from scratch, but I believe that it increases the versatility of a musician.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-10-26

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