Hingham High School Chorus
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Accompanying Yourself

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Accompanying Yourself Empty Accompanying Yourself

Post  LouisaBrady Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:47 pm

My feelings on accompanying myself change often. A lot of the time it really depends on the day for me. If I'm alone in the house and don't have much homework or anywhere to go, I will always use the opportunity to play the piano and sing. For some reason, I just am not comfortable singing when my family's home; I just don't want to bother them, to be honest. But usually, when I'm alone and I sing, I have a really good time. It's a nice change to be able to sing whatever song I choose besides just the songs we're assigned in chorus, and the feeling that I'm creating all of the music myself is really nice. However, I've noticed that after I practice a song by myself for an audition, I usually perform it better when someone else is playing for me. For one thing, there is half as much to focus on when I am just singing or just playing the piano because doing both is really like using two instruments. Secondly, since the only instrument I can play is the piano, I always have to be sitting down while accompanying myself, which isn't beneficial for a singer, especially because it is easy to lose focus on posture while also playing the piano. All things considered, I love accompanying myself and I do it whenever I have the chance, but I usually perform better when I am just singing or just playing.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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