Hingham High School Chorus
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Accompanying Yourself

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Accompanying Yourself Empty Accompanying Yourself

Post  Clay Harbert Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:25 pm

Playing an instrument while you sing is a really great thing. It is hard for some people, but for others, it's innate. For me it is really easy to play the guitar while I sing, but I can’t play the drums and sing at the same time. I can, however, play the guitar, play the drums (with pedals only), and sing all at the same time! Singing and playing is a great skill because I think that's what people love most: someone who can play and sing at the same time. This is also a great skill because maybe if you sing the wrong note, you have an instrument to give you the right note easily. Lastly, an instrument is important because it adds a terrific harmony, and it’s fun to improvise on the guitar. I believe I sound different with an instrument but I sound well both ways. It’s just that I seem to have more fun playing the guitar so I sound different. However, I do not like singing any of my original songs. I’m not sure why. Maybe because a majority of them are love songs and it's just wierd pouring out yor heart to someone and telling them about your love for someone else. Only a handful of people have seen them and no one has ever heard them. I only sing and play cover songs of various artists like the Beatles, Peter Frampton, Adele, and Cold Play. And that is my take on accompyanning yourself with an intsrument. Peace

Clay Harbert

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-12-10

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