Hingham High School Chorus
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Accompanying yourself.

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Accompanying yourself.  Empty Accompanying yourself.

Post  shelbyosullivan Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:03 pm

I truly wish that I could play an instrument to accompany myself while singing. I look up to the people that can do that, and I know that many in our chorus have that ability. Playing a guitar, or piano while singing is so professional looking. I wish that I had know I'd love music this much when I was younger so that I could have tried to play an instrument. I would love to still try and learn but I feel like it would take so much time to accomplish being good at it, that I would not be satisfied. Just wanna give a shout out to Brooke McLaughlin because Brooke is amazing at accompanying herself while she sings. Not only does she have an amazing voice, but she can play the guitar and she basically taught herself. It is amazing. Also, last year she purchased a keyboard with no idea how to play. But, she taught herself in no time how to play a few tunes. I wish I could do as Brooke does and accompany myself.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-09-19

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