Hingham High School Chorus
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Choral Spectrum 2011-2012

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Choral Spectrum 2011-2012 Empty Choral Spectrum 2011-2012

Post  SophieStokerLong Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:45 am

Before the start of this school year, I was worried about what choral spectrum would be like this year due to the lack of male voices. I have always been fortunate enough to be part of a select ensemble, and being a part of last years choral spectrum was the group that I have enjoyed participating in the most, by far. I remember loving the full rich sound we made, with a group of balanced voices all passionate about what they were singing. I was worried that the group this year would feel like something was missing. I am happy to say that after a few months of meeting on Monday nights, this is not true at all. I feel that this years choral spectrum has more passion than any other singing group I have ever been involved in in my life, and it fills up the room. You can feel everyones passion radiating off of them as you sing beside them. I think that we are making wonderfull music, and I can't wait untiil we have all of our music learned because I know that when we are solid, we will be an incredible group. I'ce never looked forward to Monday's this much before.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-10-28

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