Hingham High School Chorus
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Choral Spectrum

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Choral Spectrum Empty Choral Spectrum

Post  Sabrina Clarke Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:12 pm

At the beginning of this year, I was very nervous about how Choral Spectrum would be...no men? In Spectrum? Well, except for Brian of course. But still. I was shocked. Being in Choral Spectrum my sophomore year, I was surrounded by so many talented upperclassmen, INCLUDING the fabulous and talented guys, Austin, Brian, Phil and Trevor. Though different in many ways, each of them brought a strong male section to our ensemble. Now as my second year in Spectrum, I can tell that it is very different in both good and bad ways. This year with just Brian on bass works on some songs and others it does not. I do believe though that if any one could pull off being the one guy in an ensemble, it would be him. Brian just takes the whole situation with ease and brings his strong and wonderful voice to the plate even when it seems hard to have one guy singing against 11 girls...But still. The ensemble this year as a whole is incredible. We have performed very tough songs and pulled them off (sometimes barely). But every single person is so incredibly talented in their own ways. We have the sophomores this year, Aoife and Katie who i think have amazing voices and really truly deserve to be in this ensemble. They are so dedicated and I love them to death. Then my fellow juniors, Eliza and Caroline have always been very strong members in the chorus. With their beautiful voices and flawless work ethics, they are perfect members. Then there are the huge amount of seniors: Amanda, Brian, Elika, Emma, Kalli, Noelle and Sophie. I always look up to them and aspire to be them. They are truly positive embers who set a great example for the people who will be the leaders of chorus next year. They never fail to amaze me. Overall, I think the main difference this year is how we truly are a family in Choral Spectrum. We all know how the other people sound. We all have fun singing and enjoy Monday nights. I cannot wait for a great spring concert and I love my Spectrum members.

Sabrina Clarke

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-20

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