Hingham High School Chorus
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Singing in Choral Spectrum

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Singing in Choral Spectrum Empty Singing in Choral Spectrum

Post  Abby.Warren Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:39 pm

This year I am a member of our chorus's spectrum ensemble. It is an eight person group with four sopranos and four altos. For the past couple of weeks we have been talking a lot and building a bond which I think is nice, because the better the connection with the group and the music, the better the sound is. In a group that size, every person is directing. Mr. Young is doing 50% and we are doing the other half. Its a really great team effort which I like a lot. It's so different being in a small ensemble than in a big chorus. In treble choir, if I mess up on something or if I fall behind then it could go unnoticed and I'll have time to catch up but in spectrum, every sound that comes out of my mouth affects the entire group. While this is a lot of pressure for all of us, I enjoy it. It helps me know what knowledge and skills I have, and what I need to work and focus on. Along with that, the music we are singing is so beautiful! Even though it is really complicated, I know that the amount of work we put into it will be all worth it in the end when we give a wonderful performance. In my opinion, any person who loves to sing and is willing to work hard can be in a small chamber ensemble. It doesn't matter who's "the best" and if someone has a lot of improving to do there is no where to go but up. It helps if someones at a certain skill level when going into a group like this, but we all start at the same place. Depending on how much practice we put into it, we can all end in the same place too. I know I still have a tremendous amount to learn and I am so glad to be apart of such a great ensemble!


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-11-01

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