Hingham High School Chorus
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Choral Specturm

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Choral Specturm Empty Choral Specturm

Post  katecris Fri May 31, 2013 11:01 am

I had such a great experience this year in Choral Spectrum. There is something that I love about singing in a small group, and I really looked forward to our Monday night rehearsals. This past concert we did three songs, and even though they were really hard, they were extrememly rewarding to sing. It was great that the skill and talent of this group allowed us to be able to sing more difficult pieces of music than in treble choir. Performing repetoir like this has helped my reading skills, and has helped me become a better musician overall. In addition, the fact that I only usually have one other person on my voice part has helped me become more confident as a singer. I have learned to trust myself that I know the music, and if I make a mistake, just try and correct it and move on. I have such respect for every singer in this group and I was so honored to be able to work with them. I hope that I will get the chance to sing with them again next year!


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-03

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