Hingham High School Chorus
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Next Year and the Importance of Making Music

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Next Year and the Importance of Making Music Empty Next Year and the Importance of Making Music

Post  aidenbrashier Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:29 am

Music is a therepuetic medium that I don't think can be surpassed. I find comfort in a lot of things: but none of those things ever seem to feel complete without music playing in the background, or humming while I do it. I sang a song in class called "How Can I Keep From Singing" and while I don't feel that it was the best performance I've ever given, I felt extremely happy that I was able to share that message with my fellow chorus members. At the end of the year, we can get to feeling very stressed out and, for rising seniors, scared of the future. But when I sing that song, I feel like as long as I keep singing and embracing the worry free feeling that it gives me, I will be alright.
When Drew grabbed the microphone at graduation, I think he did something that every graduate that day felt like doing. I know that as I walk up to get my diploma this time next year, I'm going to feel like dancing like a fool and filling the football field with my joyous voice. Singing is an expression of joy and emotion, and I think that Drew embraced that.
With a new teacher next year, the future is uncertain. However, I know that I will keep doing chorus, I will keep thinking about music, and, most importantly, I will keep singing.


Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-10-18

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