Hingham High School Chorus
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Why is Making Music Important?

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Why is Making Music Important? Empty Why is Making Music Important?

Post  Chris.Nevins Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:59 pm

Making music is important because it is one of the few lessons that actually teaches expression. All other aspects of school are focused around book smarts and memorization and figuring out numbers and many other techniques that are simply very black and white. The musical aspect of school is what truly gives learning its color. Without the expression of music, our school would lack a great deal of character. While Hingham High School does have some very great sports programs, it appears to me that there is no other program that has a higher quality of character than the music department. I believe it is important for every student to get involved with something aspect of music because it teaches you something that cannot be learned in a desk. In truth, anybody could do something musical, they just need to let go a little and not be afraid to get involved with something a little bit more expressive.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-10-26

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