Hingham High School Chorus
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Why Is Making Music Important?

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Why Is Making Music Important?  Empty Why Is Making Music Important?

Post  hollyhancock15 Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:07 pm

It is my opinion that music plays an important role in our public schools. Music provides a way for students to express themselves while learning to work as a team. Some students choose to express themselves through their poetry or writing. Others express themselves on the athletic field, playing a sport that they are passionate about. However, not every student is an excellent write or an accomplished athlete. Music provides an alternative for students to express and explore their feelings. Music is also another way to be a part of a "team." Whether it be band, orchestra, or chorus, the individual's input is important to the group's success. Music also helps you to learn more about yourself and overcome your fears. For example, I never thought I would be able to sing in front of other people. Chorus has helped me to face my fears and as a result, I am much better at speaking publicly. By becoming more of a musician, I am learning skills that will help me grow as a person. For these reasons, we are so fortunate to have music in our public schools.


Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-11-02

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