Hingham High School Chorus
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Why is making music so important?

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Why is making music so important?  Empty Why is making music so important?

Post  Grace Doyle Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:45 pm

Music making is nothing new, every culture makes music. Not only that, every past culture has made music too. Musical instruments are amongst the oldest man-made objects ever found. Cultures in the past started making music since the beginning of time. Part of a culture is the music they have celebrated. Like African music, the low drumming, the powerful chanting is all part of what makes African music, African music. Music gets under your skin. It creates strong feelings. And it creates strong memories. Part of my happy memories at Christmas time, is my family and I singing Christmas carols while my grandmother plays the piano. When I think of Christmas I think of being with family and all the holiday spirited songs. Music is a language. It is a language for all humans. It is a language that is there when normal language is of little use. This language is what many use to express emotion or feelings or making music can make you happy, like what it does to me. Making music is a great form of expression or a place to go to when you need to escape from whatever you may be struggling with. It is proven that making music and understanding music is good for you. It stimulates the brain and can release endorphins causing you to feel a sense of release and feelings of happiness.

Grace Doyle

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-24

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