Hingham High School Chorus
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Why is making music important?

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Why is making music important? Empty Why is making music important?

Post  HallieNowicki Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:30 pm

Making music is important because it is plainly fun and enjoyable. It's also important because every culture makes music. People have been writing music and playing instruments for thousands of years now. The oldest flute apparently dates back to 37,000 years ago. Music also creates strong feelings and strong memories. We have witness several exciting musical moments in the chorus and continue too. These musical moments help create a connection between our peers and the music. Music is also a language. It is a language that every human being can communicate through and understand. It is completely universal. In general, music helps people communicate their emotions in a way that anyone could understand. For instance, if I'm really upset or worked about something, singing helps me to calm down and release the tension. Overall, music is very important to the body, the soul, and life in general. In my life, it would be impossible to live without.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-12-18

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