Hingham High School Chorus
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Why is making music important?

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Why is making music important? Empty Why is making music important?

Post  Caitlin Boyle Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:41 pm

In our chorus' case, a key component to the importance of making music is the fact that it brings people together. People are brought together every September in room 197 to make music to display to an audience. So, we are brought together to bring other people together to show them the music we've been working hard on for months. I think it is a truly beautiful thing in the sense that people are brought together for music's sake. Not only are people brought together, but they are allowed to express themselves through this music. Even if the lyrics that we sing in chorus don't apply to you, the harmonies and rhythms can still be used as a way to express oneself. Obviously, expressing yourself is a crucial part of life and the fact that people express it through music, makes it just that much more important for us to gather together and make the music that we do.

Caitlin Boyle

Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-10-10

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