Hingham High School Chorus
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Why is making music important?

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Why is making music important? Empty Why is making music important?

Post  Nicole Tivnan Mon Dec 17, 2012 9:20 pm

It is a common expression that you do not know what you have until it’s gone; that’s how I felt this past year. I had to leave the chorus program early this year due to schedule changes and have had many changes to my schedule since then. I had just planned on rejoining next year, but I didn’t realize how much I missed it until my dad said that there was a possibility of me going back this year. As soon as he said that I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I had forgotten how easily chorus could take me away from the rest of my life and allow me to just breathe and live for a moment, and that’s what I had been missing for those months I spent without it. That is why I believe making music is important. More than anything else, I believe that music can articulate someone’s deepest thoughts and feelings because it doesn’t require any prior knowledge or expertise in order to absorb what they music is trying to say. When someone cannot or will not give the time to at least listen to music I think that they are missing out on the chance of expressing themselves and exploring a new sense of who they are. Making music, for me, goes beyond that because it is customized to yourself. When you are making music you aren’t seeing what the other person felt or how they are trying to make you feel, but just how you feel in that moment and what the music means to you. I know that when I sing or play piano, two runs through are never exactly the same because I am human and flawed so it can’t be perfect, but each time is a new experience and a new story that you can tell to whoever is lucky enough to hear you. That is why I love the concerts we have because for one night, it is our turn to tell our story and for others to listen to how we use music to express ourselves in a way that nothing else can. Music will never be perfect because we are not perfect, but in whatever moment the music is, it is right.

Nicole Tivnan

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-11-02

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