Hingham High School Chorus
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Why Is Making Music Important?

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Why Is Making Music Important? Empty Why Is Making Music Important?

Post  Brooke McLaughlin Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:37 pm

Personally, making music is the most magical and wonderful way of expressing yourself. Sure, a catchy tune can make you wanna tap your feet or get up and dance but a good song makes you feel something. If there is anything I am going through, there will always be a lyric that puts everything into perspective. A song tells a story and if that story relates to just one person, then its worth writing. I think its unbelievable how music can bring so many people together or how emotion becomes contagious just through words. I can honestly say that I was nervous before releasing my first single. I expected to feel vulnerable after exposing such a personal side of me to complete strangers. Yet, those strangers have now reached out to me, sharing their stories and letting me know that the song is helping them get through a tough time of their own. I really can't explain how that feels but I can say there is no greater feeling in the world and it has become very important to me to keep making music that doesn't just sound cool, but takes the message further than I ever could imagine.

Brooke McLaughlin

Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-10-12
Age : 29

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