Hingham High School Chorus
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Making Music

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Making Music Empty Making Music

Post  BrianPerrault Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:19 am

Recently, I've really come to appreciate the importance of music. For years I've been involved in music either through chorus or orchestra. But finally I've found a profound love for music. Recently, I've felt that music is the strongest and most effective way to control my emotions. Before auditions and performances, I listen to songs that inspire me and motivate me to be my best. When I'm upset, I listen to songs that let me wallow in my depression. When I'm excited, I'll listen to something upbeat and pop. But most importantly, I feel that when I'm singing music, I'm happy. I feel that the weight of the world is a little less heavy and that I can let off some of the steam I'm accustomed to each day. To me, singing is the equivalent to laughing. I try to surround myself with humor constantly (in case you haven't noticed.) Laughing and making jokes relieve stress for me and I feel that humor is practically an essential in my life. I feel the same way about music. Without it, life would be a whole lot more difficult. Now while we're talking about dumb humor, I'll leave you with this: afro


Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-21

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