Hingham High School Chorus
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Making Music

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Making Music Empty Making Music

Post  ShannonMcHugh Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:30 pm

Making music is so significant in our schooling system. Its helps us to express our feelings in a positive way that only makes beautiful outcomes. It helps everyone feel like they have a place to belong. I think that especially in our chorus it is a family.I think that we need to show and share our "family" and how strong it is. We need to show other schools that we can listen and follow directions and be a strong and powerful chorus. I especially think that our chorus has a certain level of respect. In our chorus or family we have tremendous respect for everyone. In our chorus we have to power and ability to be a very good chorus. Making music everyday help to ease most peoples minds. Wen I sing, I feel that nothing else matters. I focus on the text and the score in front of me and work to the best of my abilities. Making music is a type of therapy for not only me but others in our chorus.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-09-20

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