Hingham High School Chorus
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Social Activities!

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Social Activities! Empty Social Activities!

Post  kenziehunt Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:57 am

I believe it is very important for people, like the members of chorus, to do things socially. Just like we need to create a special connection with the music, we also need to create special bonds with the other members of our chorus. This will help the music we sing together to sound more connected because we feel more comfortable singing with the people around us. Many people do not feel comfortable singing out when they dont know the people around them because they feel insecure. If there is any place that people have no reason to feel uncomfortable, it is in the chorus and band rooms. I think it would be a great idea to do more things not only with the rest of the chorus but also with the band and orchestra classes. We have not really had any activities with the band and orchestra classes this year but I think that it is important for us to interact and disscus the differences between what we do. For instance, I have no clue what goes on during band class when they have playing assesments and such. Usually all I see are the band concerts, but not the work that they put into their pieces throughout the year. Another reason to do more activities with the band and orchestra is that I have a lot of friends who play instruments that I have known for a very long time and they are some of my best friends. Even though what we do is a little bit different, it is still all about music, and we bond over that.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-09-20

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