Hingham High School Chorus
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social activities

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social activities Empty social activities

Post  rbreedlove Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:15 am

It is extremely important for members of an ensemble to have social activities. In order to sing together in an ensemble, you must be comfortable with the people you are surrounded by. The best way to become comfortable singing is with social activities. Coming together and getting to know someone or becoming a closer friend only improves the sense of family a chorus should share. The entire purpose of a chorus is to have those who love to sing join together and make music so we must know our chorus .Our chorus would not lose but gain closer friendships and would also improve our energy during concerts. By enjoying the music and enjoying the people you are singing with creates a strong chorus with more energy. I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to have social activities if once every two or three weeks our chorus could decide to meet at; for example, red mango or pink berry. Having strong friendships not only improve our chorus but improves our chorus as family which is why we need our social activities.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-10-05

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