Hingham High School Chorus
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Social Activities

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Social Activities Empty Social Activities

Post  grace1697 Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:04 pm

Social activities are important to have in any ensemble! Group outings are a stress-free way to relax, have fun and meet new people. In a tight knit chorus like ours at HHS, social activities are icing on the cake. Everyone in the chorus has one important thing in common, a love of music! Activities outside of rehearsals just solidify bonds that are made in school. People can get to know each other on a more personal level and really connect with their fellow singers. I think the concept of mentoring throughout the chorus program is a creative and helpful way for freshman to navigate through their first year at HHS. I think that if members of the chorus get together outside of the school setting, it introduces new situations and gives people other things to talk about. I have made so many new friends throughout my music education. When I first participated in Junior Districts, I was put in a different chorus than my sister. We usually stick together at things like that, so I was nervous walking into it. The minute I sat down, I started talking to another girl a year older than me from Pembroke. We ended up having a lot in common, and now whenever I go to S.E.M.S.B.A or Districts, I always know I'll have a friend there. Doing music festivals outside of the chorus at HHS is a great way to broaden your horizons not only in terms of music, but it also builds social skills with other kids while sharing a mutual love of singing. A way we could enhance a sense of pride and belonging in the whole music department is to maybe have a group activity with all the band, orchestra and chorus students and do something fun together, like a pizza party or movie night. I think the T-shirts are an awesome idea, because if everybody wears them on a certain day, people will feel a sense of accomplishment and be proud to say they are involved in a group as amazing as the chorus program!


Posts : 6
Join date : 2012-09-19

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