Hingham High School Chorus
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Social Activities!

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Social Activities! Empty Social Activities!

Post  mollyrabinovitz12 Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:16 am

I believe it is very important for a choral group like ours to have social gatherings.I feel that being in the same choruses and seeing each other every morning can create a strong bond for a family of people that love to sing, but seeing each other outside of class can really put the finishing touch on the bonds between people. Personally, I love the Disney themed movie night ideas. I'm just bummed because they are always on a Sunday night, which is when i have mandatory cheerleading practices. As captain of my team, I always have to be there. I have a goal that I can attend at least two or three movie nights. Disney movies are my favorite. social activities like these can only benefit our choruses and create a much stronger bond between each chorus. Also, as a suggestion I think that we should do something within the Mentor/ Mentee program to get in touch with our Mentors. Having a special bond with an upperclassmen is exciting, and something to cherish. Smile


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Join date : 2012-10-29

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