Hingham High School Chorus
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Post  Kalli Jermyn Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:11 pm

I love that this year we’ve started to hold Chorus pasta parties. I think it’s an awesome way to get pumped about concerts. I really enjoyed the first one and I was finally able to actually sit down, meet, and talk to freshmen in chorus I probably wouldn’t have easily been able to meet. It’s bringing back the sense of family within chorus that was somewhat lost last year in my opinion. What I think we need to improve on, though, is our sense of family within the entire music program. I always feel distant from the band and orchestra kids. Yeah, I have classes with them and am able to talk to them, but I don’t feel the entire chorus is connected with the entire band and orchestra as I feel it should be. Something should be done to fix it. Maybe a music department party? I also think that more people should attend the other music concerts throughout the year. It’s polite and the music that the other ensembles make is always enjoyable to listen to. Plus, our music department is just awesome! cheers

Kalli Jermyn

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-21

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