Hingham High School Chorus
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Social Activities

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Social Activities Empty Social Activities

Post  Sarah Pohl Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:52 am

I think that the chorus social events are great for the chorus as a community. It only benefits it and there are no negative aspects. Although I was unable to make Red Mango gathering I did go apple picking with everyone as well as the pasta party. I thought that each of the events made me closer to everyone in mixed chorus that I did not already know. The social events make everyone closer and make the chorus even more of a family. The pasta party, I thought, was a great idea because everyone was in one house. Unlike the apple picking, we were always together during the pasta party. It was easier to get to know everyone because we were all eating together and talking. Getting to know the upperclassmen was really great as well. I will most defiantly attend the next gathering for the chorus! I think that getting to know everyone in both chorus’s is great, but I also think it would be great if we got together with the band and orchestra as well. This would be a good way to meet other people as well. If we did a gathering with the other to music groups, it would have to be in a place that is more open because there are so many of us. I think this would be good because we all go to each other’s fall concerts and cheer everyone one on. Getting to know them would make it that much easier to cheer them on at concerts.

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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