Hingham High School Chorus
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Social Events

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Social Events Empty Social Events

Post  ShannonMcHugh Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:46 pm

I think social events are important for a music program because they help to bond the entire department. It is important for not only the single group (like chorus) and other groups (band and orchestra) to bond together as well through social events. We can do this by doing group outings and other events such as dances and more formal things. It is important to not only bond but with your single group but with the whole department. We could enhance the sense of belonging throughout the entire department by doing more outings like bowling for example or maybe even a dance for the entire department. We should also make sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and to get involved if they would like. We could create a special group that handles those kind of events. I think the pasta parties that we have had in the past are great but we need to keep trying to have them. Because they are still new to our program I think not many people go but if we continue to have them then hopefully more people will attend.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-09-20

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