Hingham High School Chorus
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Disney Talent Expo!

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Disney Talent Expo! Empty Disney Talent Expo!

Post  eraso Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:15 pm

I can not wait for this Tuesday night! I think that this concert is going to be a major success. I can not wait to hear all of the different songs that will be sung. I believe that since we have been working independently the pieces of music will mean more to us. I think this because we have worked so hard on them and we can really connect to them. The theme Disney is one that everyone can relate to. As a little kid I would every weekend watch different disney movies and sing to different songs. Disney is a part of everyones child hood. I also can not wait to hear all of the different special acts. I think that they make talent expo's really special. The special acts are always amazing and people put a lot of effort into making their performances ones that we will never forget. Disney Talent Expo is going to be a concert that no one is going to ever forget.


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-23

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