Hingham High School Chorus
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Disney Talent Expo!

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Disney Talent Expo! Empty Disney Talent Expo!

Post  Caroline Randall Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:59 pm

It is no surprise that the fame of Disney has grown so much and continues to grow today because each work of art created by Disney has the power to leave viewers feeling satisfied and enthralled. Ever since Disney came about, virtually no child has grown up without becoming enchanted with these movies of princesses and heroes. Disney movies have become so iconic, and will surely always be considered classics. This Talent Expo entails so much more than just the music; it causes us to reminisce on our childhoods and reminds us all to never let go of our dreams! I know that this concert will be extremely popular and hopefully well-attended because of the huge impact that Disney had on all of us growing up. I cannot wait to see what kind of a turn out we get, and to inspire many by singing these classic Disney movements.

Caroline Randall

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-20

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