Hingham High School Chorus
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Talent expo!!!

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Talent expo!!! Empty Talent expo!!!

Post  Riley.Sweeney Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:58 pm

Today we got our music for talent expo in concert chorale and I am so excited. The songs sound so fun and I know its going to be a lot work but we can have fun while working hard. tonight, tonight from west side story is so cute and I think its going to sound so good. Im a little nervous because im singing alto now and i have been a saprono since september, and I have kind of caught on to it finaly. Anyway im pumped for talent expo its going to be a blast.
-peace....riley sweeney Very Happy


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Join date : 2011-12-01

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Talent expo!!! Empty Broadway!

Post  eraso Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:24 pm

I agree with Riley. I am very excited to be dong broadway music for talent expo this year. I think that it will be a great way to get me through the cold long winter month. I love both of the songs Concert Chorale is singing. I only knew Tonight Tonight from West Side Story, but i also love the other piece we are singing. For me I definitely think it is going to take some time to adjusting for singing first soprano. Even though I think that it is going to be challenging I am happy that we switched it up. This is because it gives me a great opportunity to sing a voice part that I have never sang before. I am really looking forward to the next couple months and all of the music we will be singing in Concert Choral!


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Join date : 2011-10-23

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Talent expo!!! Empty Broadway- Talent Expo

Post  HallieNowicki Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:04 pm

I agree with both of you. Broadway is something I'm obssessed with and ever since I was little I've been seeing broadway shows in New York City. I honesty dont know many of the earlier musicals. I do know the Show Boat, Oklahoma, Sweeney Todd, Anything Goes, and West Side Story were earlier broadway shows that were made before the 1950's. Most of the shows that I've personally seen on broadway were made more towards the 1980's and on. Though, it's going to be fun to learn songs from broadway shows that I didn't know of till now! I personally love Tonight from West Side Story and can't wait to hear what it's going to sound like. I'm also excited for Anything Goes for the finale. When I saw Anything Goes on broadway the music was amazing and hilarious. Knowing what we can do as a complete chorus from "I Believe in God", who knows how good "Anything Goes" will be. I believe that this concert will be a great experience for all the chorus members and the audience that will be attending.
~Hallie Nowicki Laughing


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Join date : 2011-12-18

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Talent expo!!! Empty Learning something new

Post  rmcdonnell14 Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:32 am

Riley, Emily and Hallie have very good points! Personally, Broadway musicals are not my expertise but as we learn more and more about each piece I become more intrigued. All pieces are very unique and special in there own way and I love learning them. Being a soprano 2 is a new experience for me in learning each piece but I appreciated the challenge. Broadway seems to me to be more than just a glitzy show, each piece has such depth in its lyrics which makes it so fun. Country was a blast last year and Broadway this year is even more exciting! I can't wait to see the special acts prepared in order to hear such beautiful voices. I have yet to get over my fear of singing in front of large crowds of people, but I appreciate those who can.


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Join date : 2011-10-13

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