Hingham High School Chorus
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Broadway Talent Expo

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Broadway Talent Expo Empty Broadway Talent Expo

Post  Caitlin Boyle Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:33 pm

The last two years in chorus, we have had such fun Talent Expos learning the legend of Elvis and history of country music. But this year's Talent Expo is one that I already know I'll love before learning anything about it. Broadway has not always been a huge part of my life growing up but from about age 11 on, I have been obsessed with Broadway. I have heard early Broadway songs before but have not fully engaged myself in music from early Broadway shows. Though the songs I have heard from these early Broadways shows have been lovely, I have always concentrated on newer shows and shows I have seen. My favorite Broadway show is Rent but I have countless other shows I enjoy. Though I'm not too familiar with any 1920-1940's shows, older shows from the 1960's like Hair and How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying are among my favorites. Since I do enjoy early 1900's music, I am excited and interested to learn about early Broadway and it's music.

Caitlin Boyle

Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-10-10

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Broadway Talent Expo Empty Broadway

Post  Meghan Cashel Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:14 pm

I am so excited for Broadway Talent Expo! Ever since I was little, Broadway has always been a passion for me. Growing up I listened to musicals instead of kids bop, and all I've ever wanted was to perform. Although now I love kids bop, my love for performing is still very much alive. I think that combining Broadway and chorus will be an amazing mix and the harmonies will come out like they never quite could during the musical because of lack of time. What I am really excited for however, is the special acts. I am so excited to see peoples different special acts! I have always loved performing, but I also love watching people perform and do amazing things on stage! I have already heard of many special acts that people are going to participate in and I am so excited to hear them. After how beautifully concert choral sang in the major works concert, I am also so excited to hear them sing Tonight! West Side Story is one of my all time favorite musicals, and I think that concert choral is up to the challenge. They are an exceptional group, and I am always impressed by them this year. I always love talent expo; but this year promises to be something really special. For costumes I recommend black pants with suspenders, a top hat and white gloves. But that’s just me.... I am really, really excited for this coming up concert!

Meghan Cashel

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-29

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Broadway Talent Expo Empty Talent Expo

Post  William Kay Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:35 pm

The 'Broadway' themed talent expo that will premiere this year is sure to be enjoyable and interesting. Broadway and musical theater are art forms that I've enjoyed in passing but have never been the ardent adorer that many of the other members of the chorus seem to be. That being said, I've come to realize that much of the early repertoire of Broadway shows and revues are deeply rooted in or at least derivative of Jazz. Jazz encompasses a variety of genres, many of which I am fond of and bringing that to a possible 'Special Act' piece is something that I am definitely interested in. I am ultimately pleased with the theme this year; it might not have been my first choice had I picked the theme, though this presents another degree of exciting uncertainty and pushes my level of comfort. I do expect to have a better appreciation for the genre as a whole by the end of the concert, and I'm looking forward to learning the several songs I will be a part of in the ensemble, as well as hearing what the other ensembles have to sing as well.

William Kay

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-10-02

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