Hingham High School Chorus
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Talent expo exicitment!!!!!

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Talent expo exicitment!!!!! Empty Talent expo exicitment!!!!!

Post  Ashley O'regan Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:58 pm

I am very excited for this year’s talent expo because this year it’s Broadway. I love the great shows that have made it big through the years and have influenced many artists. Also Glee a popular TV show has done a lot of covers from Broadway shows like Les Miserable’s and Wicked. I would have to say my favorite show is a three way tie between Rent, Singing in the rain and Les Miserable’s. Even though I loved all these more, Wicked was the first Broadway musical I saw live. So I’m really looking forward to seeing what awesome songs we will do this talent expo.

Ashley O'regan

Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-09-21

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Talent expo exicitment!!!!! Empty talent expo: broadway

Post  Clay Harbert Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:16 pm

The two best talent expos are Broadway and Beatles. to be apart of broadway is so exciting. learning new music from such popular show s is great. especially when they are the old tunes: the foundation of broadway. performing these tunes in which writers during these times wrote in relation to the era show the specific history of what these people were thinking and how they were acting. although the original shows by Berlin and Ziggfeld were full of cheer and sorrow-both feelings of this period, the show I like more are from a more comon era such as Wicked, Honk, Rent, and Legally Blonde. However, my all time favotite show is Chicago. this is my favorite show due to its enthusiasm and endurance to show that this event is either too crazy to happen or too to be fake. it could easily be done but just not with such great beauty to how thing just fall into place for Roxie. if you (the reader) have not seen the show, i totaly recomend it in any form, whether it be broadway, the movie, or a touring cast. Peace

Clay Harbert

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-12-10

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Talent expo exicitment!!!!! Empty BWAY!!!!!!!!!!

Post  Josi.Sisk<3 Tue Feb 14, 2012 10:35 pm

i love broadway ever since i was little i love that my first talent expo is going to be somthing that i love!! its such a cool idea who ever came up with it i will love them forever!!! i always wanted to do broadway shows but this is close to it!!!


Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-09-15

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