Hingham High School Chorus
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Talent Expo Broadway

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Talent Expo Broadway Empty Talent Expo Broadway

Post  Sarah Pohl Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:21 pm

Before hearing about talent expo, to be honest, I was not all that excited. I really was not sure about what it was about and what went on at this concert. After the Major Works concert, Mr. Young introduced our songs for talent expo. I am not a person who likes to act, but I love seeing Broadway shows and listening to the story behind the song. When I found out that Talent Expo was Broadway themed, I was excited because of the fact that I have seen a good amount of Broadway shows and was curious to see if I would be familiar with any of the songs in our repertoire. I had heard of one of the songs, but unfortunately, I had not seen it in a Broadway show. My favorite Broadway show is “Wicked.” It was an amazing story and the music was phenomenal. Unfortunately I am not familiar with any Broadway shows from the 1920-1940’s, but after learning the songs in our repertoire, I am curious to learn more about them in the future. Today, in some songs, there is a sense of Broadway influence. For example, most songs tell a story just like Broadway songs. I am now convinced why there was so much hype about the Talent Expo concert! Broadway, in my opinion, is a fantastic theme, and I am excited to perform the songs in Talent Expo this week.

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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