Hingham High School Chorus
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Talent Expo!

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Talent Expo! Empty Talent Expo!

Post  eraso Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:16 pm

I thought that Talent Expo was a major success this year. I don't know about the years in the past, but this year I thought it was amazing. Singing and listening to all of the songs made the night wonderful. I had been looking forward to the concert all year because I was very excited that we would be singing Broadway music. All of the songs that we sang we amazing. I think that my favorite song was "Can't Help Loving That Man" I really enjoyed that song because I felt that we were all really comfortable singing it and put 100% into it. I also love "Tonight" I thought that we did a great job and that it had improved dramatically. To be honest when I first heard it I though that there was no way I was going to be able to sing that high, but I ended up doing it! My favorite part of the concert was listening to all of the special acts. I thought that all of them were spectacular. I was amazed on how much work people put in to there songs. One of my favorite special acts was "Seasons of Love" I thought that it was unbelievable that all of the girls were freshman! I especially loved the song because I knew the words so I could sing along to it. After listening to them perform the whole song I got goosebumps it was so good. Overall I think that the concert was wonderful, everyone put in all of their effort and the audience loved it and defiantly had a great time. I can't wait to see how the Disney Talent Expo is going to turn out next year!


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-23

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