Hingham High School Chorus
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Talent Expo

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Talent Expo Empty Talent Expo

Post  Katie Kelleher Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:38 pm

I'm really excited about this year's Broadway Talent Expo. I think broadway music ultimately set the stage for music of the future. Although it seemed like a jump from former music of the early 1900's, the broadway style would stick for many decades to come. Even today the broadway music continues as old musicals are performed. I think this style of music is timeless; the way the songs tell their own story makes them interesting. I enjoy the fact that the songs have different plots and back-rounds to them. My favorite broadway musical is Billy Elliot (I first this in London and then again in New York City). Both times I enjoyed the plot and the passion the singers had during the big numbers. The way they sang the songs made me believe that what they were singing was coming from them. I think this is a good tactic that chorus members could use. If we all thought of a scenario that we've been in that relates to the song, I think the audience will be more engaged in our performance. Having a connection to the pieces is prime for Broadway styled music for actors/actresses do the same when performing a broadway show.

Katie Kelleher

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-01

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