Hingham High School Chorus
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After Talent Expo

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After Talent Expo Empty After Talent Expo

Post  shelbyosullivan Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:32 pm

It's over! We did it once again! I thought that the Broadway Talent Expo concert was phenomenal. Everyone did their best, and sounded amazing. Because I was their at 3:40 to help...I got a chance to see everyone prepare and practice, which was interesting. Most groups were on time and got chances to run their pieces' a few times in order to check to make sure everything was all set for the real show. I wanna give some shout-outs as well! Firstly, Eliza. Her special act was amazing and even hearing her in rehearsal made me cry! Your voice was beautiful, and the song suited your voice so well, amazing job! Also, the freshman girls who sand Seasons of Love. Ah-mazing. That is one of the only broadway songs I know, and listening to each of you take the parts and fit them to your own voice was so cool. Great job! Then of course, Concert Chorale, and Mixed Chorus did a great job on each song! We all had fun, and looked great in our bow ties Wink! Another successful concert, and great night. Thank you everyone and Mr. Young!


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-09-19

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