Hingham High School Chorus
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Disney Talent Expo VIII

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Disney Talent Expo VIII Empty Disney Talent Expo VIII

Post  Sarah Pohl Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:13 pm

Walt Disney was a man who created something that almost every child is accustomed to. He created Disney movies, shows, characters, and songs that almost every teen of this time period has grown up with. One myth that is well known is that Disney’s head is frozen and kept under the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World. This, however, is not true, as his body was cremated and scattered. Disney gave the gift of a great childhood for most 90’s kids, as they were able to watch Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, and were able to go to Disney World to see Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Walt Disney has contributed to the World by giving the gift of imagination and music to young lives. This was able to travel with most kids into their teen lives. I know that I still remember the Disney movies I used to watch, and yes I remember all the songs and almost every word to each of them. Even thought the original movies are on the older side now, the effect they had on my life, along with the lives of many young souls, is indescribable. It truly left an impression on the musical and creative minds of today. I think the Disney Talent Expo VIII will greatly portray the love that we all have for Disney pieces, as we will sing them with joy and excitement. I am excited to see the light in the audience’s faces as we sing the uplifting pieces from the original Disney movies of our time. It is true that while preparing the Disney pieces, it was stressful as we were not sure if the songs were going to be done in time. It was the first time that we were left to our own devices. However, we really worked hard in preparing them on our own, and I truly hope the audience will see this. Even though the pieces are not as difficult compared to the Major Works concert, they can still be as meaningful, depending on how they are remembered and viewed.

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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