Hingham High School Chorus
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Voice Lessons!

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Voice Lessons! Empty Voice Lessons!

Post  eraso Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:08 pm

I started taking voice lessons this year at the South Shore Conservatory with Bonnie Pomfret. I think that they have been really helping me in chorus. I take them once a week for a half an hour and even though that does not seem like a lot of time I learn a lot. For me I have trouble with music theory and figuring what note to start out on. In singing lessons my teachers gives me helpful hints and practice sheet that I can do in order to improve. I also think that voice lessons are very helpful because they allow you to hear your voice alone and not with the whole chorus. I believe that that is very important because until you sing a song by yourself you do not really know if you are just following along in chorus or if you are an independent singer. In lessons I learn new pieces of music that are different from the pieces we learn in chorus which enables me to improve in different areas. All and all I would suggest taking voice lessons or even just trying them out because they are really fun and helpful. Also, even if you are busy with school and sports they are flexible and can work around your schedule!


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-23

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