Hingham High School Chorus
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Voice Lessons

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Voice Lessons Empty Voice Lessons

Post  Abby.Warren Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:54 pm

Starting in September, I began taking voice lessons at the Conservatory in Hingham. My voice teacher, Lorna Jane, had come to speak to our class the previous spring and give us feedback on our spring concert, so I knew her a little bit. Within the first few weeks, I was amazed to find out how quickly private instruction had helped me improve as a musician. Lorna has been able to pay attention to little tendencies I have when I sing that choral directors won't notice when focusing on lots of people. For example, with her instruction, my breathing and posture have immensely improved which makes me feel more comfortable when I sing. Also, she is helping me expand my range so singing higher and lower pitches will come easily to me. Fitting voice lessons into your schedule can be tough, but if its important to you then yo should make time. On thursdays when I have lessons, I go right after school for a 45 minute lesson so whatever I have to do in the afternoon I can fit in. Weekends could also be a good time for people when they don't have too much going on. Theres plenty of voice teachers out there, and prices vary so if money is an issue then there will definitely be someone who can make a deal with you. Also, theres teachers that will come to your house if transportation is a problem. Even if you think you know everything there is to singing, private lessons will really expand your knowledge and make you a better musician, so give it a try!


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-11-01

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