Hingham High School Chorus
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Voice Lessons

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Voice Lessons Empty Voice Lessons

Post  Maggie McFarland Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:01 pm

I started taking voice lessons this summer and I would definitely recommend them. I feel that since I have started taking lessons I have improved a lot. Having a scheduled time each week outside of class to practice my singing skills has forced me to take time each day to practice my skills. I feel voice lessons have also improved my confidence. In such a big chorus with so many talented singers it is easy to feel overwhelmed. I know I certainly felt this way at the beginning of this year. Having that extra hour a week to sing by yourself and work on your individual skills reassured me that I was capable to sing in Mixed Chorus. Another reason I enjoy taking voice lessons is because often times I am unable to participate in special ensembles and festivals due to sports conflicts. This can be very frustrating sometimes because I know that doing these things are what will make me a better singer. Last year I enjoyed being a part of Chamber Singers and I felt that extra 45 minutes of chorus a week was really good for me. Not being able to audition for choral spectrum this year was very disappointing because I know those in the group will always be one step ahead of all the other chorus members. Now that I take voice lessons I feel this makes up for lost opportunities in the chorus.

Maggie McFarland

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-02

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