Hingham High School Chorus
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Voice Lessons

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Post  katecris Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:07 pm

I have been taking voice lessons for about a year, and I have seen a huge improvement in my singing. It has been extremely beneficial to me to have one on one time with someone that can critique me. My voice teacher, Kristy Errera-Solomon, has helped me with my vocal-technique, which is a very crucial part of singing. There is so much more to singing a piece correctly than just singing the right notes, which she helped me understand. She gives me tips on how to breath correctly, transition registers, phrasing, showing emotion and improving my range. With her help, I am able to apply these things in chorus which makes a huge difference in my performance. Also, before any audition I always work on the piece with her so that I feel fully prepared and I get a critique before the actual audition. Being prepared really helps to boost my confidence during the audition. I think that the most important thing about a voice teacher is that you must feel totally comfortable when singing in front of them, you have to be able to just put yourself out there, since that's the only way you can improve. So if you are thinking about taking voice lessons, try and learn a little about the teacher and if you work well together. I highly recommend my voice teacher, she is fun, experienced and will let you sing anything you want. I take a 30 minute lesson, which is so easy to fit into my schedule since its in the evening after sports. Also, as a side note, scholarships are offered at the conservatory because voice lessons can get expensive. Finally, I know this sounds cheezy but its true, I walk out of every voice lesson with a smile, it is the best and most useful half an hour I spend out of the whole week.


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-03

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