Hingham High School Chorus
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Voice Lessons

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Post  HallieNowicki Mon May 13, 2013 6:57 pm

I've been taking voice lessons since 6th grade. It's seems like it wasn't too long ago when I went to my first lesson. I was nervous because I knew my voice teacher would critique me, but I soon learned that it's okay because that's what they're supposed to do. By being critiqued, my mistakes are fixed and I become a better singer. I truly believe voice lessons are necessary for serious singers. They happen on a regular basis so you can always look forward to it and you learn great techniques to protect your voice. I love my voice teacher at the South Shore Conservatory because she doesn't force me to sing songs I don't connect with. I do sing some classical and folk, but I mainly practice musical theatre because that's the genre of music I love. Chorus is an awesome musical experience to work with others, but music lessons let you grow as an individual and allow you to put yourself out there (recitals,etc.) I say if you don't already take voice lessons, DO IT!!!!


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-12-18

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