Hingham High School Chorus
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Caroling!  Empty Caroling!

Post  kenziehunt Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:42 pm

I loved Caroling!! Some people get together and sing carols on a street corner or in hotels to earn money, and others go door to door to bring joy to peoples holidays. However, in Hingham, we decided to go caroling at Linden Ponds to make its occupants happy as well as make ourselves feel good. Since we were pondering about our mortality in the Major Works concert, I believe that it was good for us to see what happens later on the road, before we exit this world. Even though some of us may not think that they would ever want to end up in a place like a nursing home, everyone I saw while walking around and singing was very happy! It was not hard for me to sing the carols over and over again like it was in class because we had a lively audience to sing to. All of the nurses and the people living in the home clapped and sang along with us on every song. Some of the nurses even recorded us singing!!! This site made me very happy because they thought we were good, but it also made me sad as I realized that this was a very special occasion for them because they must not have a lot of younger people come to entertain them like we did. After coming to this conclusion, I sang with all of my might for the remaining time we spent there! (even though I did not drink enough water and my throat started to get parched) I was elated to go caroling because I know that many chorus' do not get do this kind of charity because they can not fit it into their busy schedule. I think that going out of our way to go caroling to our elders sends a great image of what our chorus stands for. I hope that we get to do this many many more times in my chorus career!


Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-09-20

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