Hingham High School Chorus
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Why we go caroling

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Why we go caroling Empty Why we go caroling

Post  Caroline Randall Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:59 am

It is incredibly easy to get caught up in all of the stress that comes with the holidays this time of year, but I think caroling is one way that we can remind people of what this season is really about. This year will be my third year going caroling with the chorus. I agree with Eliza that the fifth graders are a great addition to our caroling groups, because they are so effortlessly cheerful and sprightly. Every year I look forward to caroling with the chorus members and bringing holiday cheer to Hingham residents. When someone opens their door to find us singing carols, their faces are at first full of surprise, and then that surprise turns into joy and appreciation. Just knowing that we put a smile on people’s faces is enough incentive to spend an hour or two in the freezing cold. I think that it is awesome that we do not take donations. We carol because we enjoy spreading happiness to these people, not because we want their money. I look forward to caroling this year, and I hope it will be as great as the past two years have been. rendeer santa

Caroline Randall

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-20

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Why we go caroling Empty caroling :)

Post  Caitlin Sullivan Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:14 am

Every year when we sing carols it reminds me why I take chorus. I simply love singing and love the joy it can bring me and other people. Caroling litterly just puts me in a good mood. The other day in chorus we were all singing christmas carols around the piano and I looked at Maddie and said "I don't want to leave". I really didn't want to go to my next class. I wanted to stay and sing the merry songs the rest of the day. Granted that can't happen but it made me realize that if it can put me in a great mood then it must put people in a great mood as well. I love the feeling when your mood changes from good to bad and carols have the ability to do that. Last year I caroled around crow point and loved it. It was so fun to be with all of the little 5th graders that really have the "Christmas Spirit". Carols is not only important in the USA but all over the world. It is such a fun way to simply express and spread happiness. Smile

Caitlin Sullivan

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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