Hingham High School Chorus
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Caroling in Hingham

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Caroling in Hingham Empty Caroling in Hingham

Post  Katie Kelleher Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:36 pm

Ever since I moved to Hingham I've noticed the tradition of caroling around Christmas time. In second and third grade I used to sing carols around downtown with my brownie troop. The cheerful tunes seemed to always bring smiles to the listeners. I always looked forward to this time of year; the candy canes, snow, and joy seem to come out only at Christmas time. Although I hadn't realized it the warm feeling I was experiencing while caroling was a sense of community. I am grateful now to know that I can go sing carols around town while still being appreciated. I'm excited to go caroling with the chorus for a first time. Not only will we bond with other members, but we'll also spread the Christmas cheer through songs around town. I hope several people will get involved with this cause, knowing that it will help the community of Hingham.

Katie Kelleher

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-01

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