Hingham High School Chorus
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Caroling! :)

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Caroling! :) Empty Caroling! :)

Post  Caroline Randall Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:32 pm

To me, caroling is such an essential part of chorus. Every year since my freshman year, I have gone caroling with the chorus and have made so many amazing memories! Although I am definitely bummed that we are not going door to door caroling this year, I am really excited to carol at Linden Ponds! This is my favorite time of year because of snowy weather, all of the holiday decorations, and the joyous mood that the holidays seem to bring. I think that caroling is a great way to be reminded of holiday spirit in the midst of all the stress that comes with the holidays. Even though I am graduating this year, I really hope that the chorus continues our door to door caroling tradition because it really does bring cheer to many people. I will never forget that one time when that sweet old lady was moved to tears by our caroling. Smile

Caroline Randall

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-20

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