Hingham High School Chorus
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the importance of caroling

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the importance of caroling Empty the importance of caroling

Post  clemcke Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:32 pm

Christmas Carols unite the whole world during the festival of Christmas. All the festivals that are celebrated worldwide have a music of their own. Similarly Christmas has its own music, which is unique in itself. Most of the carols tell us a story, it may be about the birth of Jesus Christ or about the tradition of gifts or any other story associated with Christmas. But the common factor among them is that either their themes are related to the festivity of Christmas or they have a religious side to it. Christmas carols provide the opportunity to express the feeling of joy and happiness. Caroling is a way to have fun and spread who we are about as a chorus. We are brought together as a family to spread the happiness and meaning of the music and how important it is to keep the music apart of the Christmas tradition.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-22

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