Hingham High School Chorus
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Why I Love Music

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Why I Love Music  Empty Why I Love Music

Post  LBickford Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:00 pm

As I experience my sophomore year at Hingham High, I've come to familiarize myself with flashbacks of how music influenced me in my life. When I first started singing with my piano teacher, I couldn't recall the first time I had bought my first CD or who my favorite singer was when I was little. However, as I begin to get older, I start to have random flashbacks during the time I may be alone in my room or I hear an old song on the radio. I realized during my Thanksgiving break when I was going through some old stuff how I had come to love music. One childhood memory that I absolutely can recall now is how I used to play Toby Keith's album on the stereo and play with my horses as the song set the scene of my imagination. As the song changed from sad to happy I would somehow create a transition in my game to the mood of the song. When I remembered this and told my mother, she laughed and exclaimed how I used to sing words of how much I loved my cat...I know weird child haha. Through these few memories, more and more came flooding in and I realized how I had become to love music. By just being around the radio, or the people you hang out with, such as my friend's mom who, as a piano teacher, was always playing a tune, you don't realize how much music effects you. I'm very thankful that I was around so much music as a child because it has played a role in how I have shaped myself today.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2012-09-04

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