Hingham High School Chorus
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I love the chorus council!

Julia Genovese
Alison McDermott
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I love the chorus council! Empty I love the chorus council!

Post  Alison McDermott Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:26 pm

I have to admit that at first I did not understand why we needed a chorus council, but now I can see how much it really helps. The idea of apple-picking started off as a little suggestion and the chorus council made it happen. I also think it is great that we have somebody to voice the chorus' opinion every week and I think good things have come out of it, for example the suggestion box. Although it may seem like a small thing it really is important. The suggestion box allows for people to share an idea without having to be embarrassed or shy about it. The chorus council has been working really hard with homecoming, apple-picking, etc. I would like to applaud them on their hard work and success. Congrats guys! You're doing great!

Alison McDermott

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-21

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I love the chorus council! Empty Chorus Council

Post  Julia Genovese Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:57 am

I completely agree with what Alison said. The chorus council was a great idea and they are really helping with communicating ideas to the chorus and to Mr. Young. It is so imoprtant for a chorus to be connected with eachother not only as a group but with their conductor so everyone is more comfortable with eachother on another level. In the past, people had more trouble communicating because they don't feel comfortable with standing up in front of people and speaking their mind. With the chorus council people can privately speak with their council member and have their opinions be voiced through means other than themselves, then once they begin to feel more comfortable with the chorus they can learn to contribute with their own voice and add to important decisions made about chorus. With this new level of understanding people can thoughtfully add insight to ideas of fundraising and other important topics. I am a big fan of the chorus council and appreciate all their hard work and contributions. Keep it up!

Julia Genovese

Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-10-04
Age : 28

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I love the chorus council! Empty Being a Member of Chorus Council

Post  rmcdonnell14 Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:19 pm

When I was chosen by my fellow classmates to be a part of the chorus council, I didn't know how the council would affect people. I like many others didn't understand the purpose at first of a chorus council. I thought, what do we really do that's so complicated to need a council? But after a few meetings I realized we really do have a purpose. Coming up with fundraising ideas, discussing upcoming trips and events can be hard work. It's so nice to hear from classmates that they do appreciate our work. Chorus council not only deals with fundraising and events, but we discuss how everyone is doing because we care. Our goal is to make everyone's experience in chorus the best it can be. Everyone should feel comfortable with each other and most importantly, feel comfortable singing together. The upcoming months have a lot in store to keep us busy such as concerts, districts, semsba, fundraising and Chicago! I personally am so excited for it all and can't wait to learn more musical skills. Chorus Council is just beginning and has more thoughts and ideas to make chorus better.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-10-13

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I love the chorus council! Empty Re: I love the chorus council!

Post  Nicole Tivnan Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:14 am

A lot of what people said here, I completely agree with. The chorus council was a great idea!! Not to say that last year lacked communication between the chorus and Mr. Young, but it is obvious that things are moving more smoothly this year. Like some other people have said, I did ot know why we needed a chorus council, it seemed like everything was going along just fine without one, but since it started, I can see that we have moved far past just getting along and are really improving our sense of family. I love the concept of the chorus council and how it gives the members of the chorus a voice even if we aren't the people who normally voice our opinions in class. Because the chorus voted for the people who we wanted to represent us, that already shows how we are getting a say in how the chorus works. Also, they people who were chosen to be members of the chorus council are really nice, friendly people who genuinely care aout e chorus program and the people in it. I like that we also do not necessarily need to go formally talk to them or Mr. Young about what we think should happen because we can talk about it to them casually and then they can turn it into something real, like they did with the apple picking. I think that the chorus council has already improved the communication between the chorus and Mr. Young, but it also is something good to bond then two choruses. The things that the chorus council is focusing on seems to be very centered around making the two choruses less divided and it's growing a sense of family between more than the individual choruses. I also think that the chorus council let's people know that they matter to the chorus. It lets the members of the chorus know that Mr. Young cares about what we have to say and that he wants to form a closer relationship with the chorus. By having things like the chorus council and suggestion box, we, the members of the chorus, are given many options to voice our opinion and participate in the development of this chorus. The chorus council makes me feel more comfortable and know that steps are being taken to improve the chorus program in any which way that they feel will help us grow stronger. I really love the chorus council and hope that it becomes stronger over time; I cannot wait to see what they will come up with in the future!

Nicole Tivnan

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-11-02

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I love the chorus council! Empty Being on Chorus Council

Post  Caitlin Sullivan Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:33 pm

I love, love, love being on chorus council! During elections last year I remember being a little worried that it may be too much with my involvement in student council, but I am very glad that I decided to go through with it. Our Tuesday morning meetings have become routine and I feel are very beneficial/needed. Yes, some weeks we have more to talk about but still they are necessary. I like that members of the chorus program (hopefully) feel comfortable enough to approach any of the chorus council girls with a problem or question. We are really here to help!!
I felt the need to comment on the forum especially after today. (boys in mixed chorus/concert chorale mis-hap). I think that is was really helpful that chorus council was involved. Mr. Young asked our opinions before his decision. The level of communication between the chorus and Mr. Young is better understood and vise verses (between Mr. Young and the chorus). Luckily (personally) I am happy that this discussion did not escalate to an extreme debate (as one did last year). Having chorus council as a mediator I feel helped save this conversation from going off he deep end!!

Caitlin Sullivan

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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I love the chorus council! Empty Chorus Council

Post  Abbie Barrett Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:53 pm

I really love the idea and work our chorus council has done this year! At first I think people were a little confused as to what the council's purpose was and if it was actually going to do anything this year. But soon enough, the members of chorus council proved that they were determinded to make our chorus program better. With new social get together ideas, fundraisers, a suggestion box, and decorating the room; our chorus council has really showed their care and dedication to helping our chorus as a whole. I know that sometimes it is hard for a member of chorus to speak their words without being embarassed of unsure if what they are going to say will be taken the wrong way. But with the chorus council everyone's ideas and feelings can be brought out into the open without the fear that people will look down or judge them. So far this year there have been many new additions to our chorus program and I really think that we shoud give a huge round of applause and shout out to the members of chorus council for all of their hard work. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Abbie Barrett

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-10-25

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I love the chorus council! Empty Chorus Council

Post  Meghan Cashel Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:00 pm

I think chorus council is dong a beautiful job. Instead of exerting their power over the chorus in a condescending way, they do it in a gracious and helpful way. I feel like i can come to them if I have a problem, and I feel like if I want something to change, they will help me. I really appreciate the work that they do. Recently the Chorus Council led a difficult discussion with the chorus. I wanted to thank them for how well the led the conversation. They gave everybody a chance to talk, and kept things respectful and fair. They listened to all points of view and explained the new slightly controversial ideas for chorus next year. Even when thing got slightly out of hand and everybody started talking at once, they reeled us back in without being condescending which I really appreciated. I am really happy with how chorus council is doing, and I look forward to see what they do in the future!

Meghan Cashel

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-29

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