Hingham High School Chorus
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Chorus Publicity

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Chorus Publicity Empty Chorus Publicity

Post  MollySaran Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:03 pm

One thing I think we have been focusing on a lot these past two years, is the chorus' publicity. We have made segments on the Friday Show, hung posters around school and the town, caroled around neighborhoods, and performed at school gatherings such as StuCo assemblies and the 9/11 ceremony. However, I think it is our duty to put in even more effort into spreading the chorus' publicity. I was personally disappointed when I showed up at school early in the morning ready to carol the Friday before winter break and nobody else except for six others were there to sing. I was surprised when I came and saw who showed up because we are always stressing the enthusiasm the chorus entails, yet only six people showed up...out of two choruses! I hope that we can find some other fun and creative ways to spread the choruses publicity such as performing one song from our upcoming concert in every StuCo assembly or attending sporting events (hockey!!) to support all the athletes we have in the chorus. We are a strong chorus with lots of enthusiasm for our love for music and I know we can do better! Surprised

Molly Saran


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-09-19

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