Hingham High School Chorus
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Publicity! Empty Publicity!

Post  Brooke McLaughlin Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:07 pm

I think that overall, we could do a much better job of getting the word out about our concerts. We put up signs in the hallway at school and I definitely think that helps a lot but most of the concerts that we put on throughout the year does not exactly appeal to high schoolers. The reality is, most of our audience is our parents. But there may be other adults who live in Hingham and might even have a child go to the high school, that would love to attend our concerts but just don't know about it. As a group, I think it would be really beneficial for us to discuss some other ways to promote the concerts not just in our school, but throughout the entire town as well.

Brooke McLaughlin

Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-10-12
Age : 29

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