Hingham High School Chorus
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Chorus Publicity

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Chorus Publicity Empty Chorus Publicity

Post  jennalee9896 Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:14 pm

In order to get more people to come to our events, and possibly recruit more members, we have to advertise ourselves so that people know who we are and what we do. One way that we could advertise ourselves is by wearing our chorus sweatshirts on one day, possibly during the week that people are selecting courses for next year. Also, we could wear them the day of a concert, similar to what sports teams do when they have games. Another possible publicity idea is selling tickets to our concerts during all three lunches. Seeing people selling tickets will give people easier access to buying tickets in advance. It will also remind people even more that we have a concert coming up and get them to come see us. I think putting up posters around school and in local places around Hingham, which we have been doing, is a great way to let people know about our concerts. Not only will it reach people throughout our school, but throughout the town of Hingham as well. We could also have ads or something on the Friday Show close to one of our concert dates. Having all of this publicity will get the word out there that we are having concerts/other events, and in return we will get more chorus supporters.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-22

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